Please be aware that the following works will be carried out:-
Temporary Road Closure | U7672 Stalkers Lane, Chiddingly from its junction with the U7039 Dern Lane to the property known as Delemere, a distance of 325 metres. |
To allow BT Openreach access to an overhead network | Works anticipated to take place on 13 July 2021 |
Diversion via:
U7672 Smithlands Lane – U7040 Honeywick Lane/Parsonage Lane – U7675 Highlands Lane – U7676 Ailies Lane – U7672 Graywood Lane.
Advance warning signs will be placed on site advising of actual date of works.
If you need to discuss this further please contact:
BT Openreach on 03700 500792
Network Assurance Team | East Sussex Highways
Please see the map detailing the diversion here